1. kbsecret-configuration(5)
  2. KBSecret Manual
  3. kbsecret-configuration(5)


kbsecret-configuration - configuration formats for kbsecret(1)


This manual page documents configuration files and formats for kbsecret(1) and its subcommands.

There are currently two standard kbsecret(1) configuration files, both of which are kept under /keybase/private/<user>/kbsecret/.config:

As per above, users should not modify kbsecret.yml manually. Instead, users should use commands like kbsecret-session(1) and kbsecret-generator(1) to modify the contents of this file. KBSecret itself may rewrite this file from an in-memory representation at any point, so do not save comments in it.

commands.ini, on the other hand, is meant to be edited by users. Its primary purpose is to provide command-specific configuration in a central location. In particular, keybase(1) will read commands.ini to supply user-specified default arguments to commands.


The following is an example of a valid commands.ini file:

args = --show-all --type login
aliases = l ls

args = --force
aliases = n

args = --frobulate 'bar "quux"'
customkey = customvalue

Note that the args keys specify default arguments to pass to each subcommand (list, new, etc.), and that the value of each args key is a string following normal shell quoting and escaping rules. These arguments are passed automatically to kbsecret(1) subcommands, regardless of the language used to write subcommand. For example, if the user ran kbsecret list with this configuration present, kbsecret(1) would expand the invocation to:

kbsecret list --show-all --type login

Note also the aliases keys, which specify custom names for their respective subcommands. Aliases are space-separated. For example, with the given configuration, each of these invocations is equivalent:

kbsecret l
kbsecret ls
kbsecret list

The precedence of overlapping aliases is not guaranteed, which means that you shouldn't define overlapping aliases.

Commands may also define additional keys under their sections, as can be seen with customkey under custom-command. KBSecret's Config class provides a standard mechanism for accessing these, but the command may also choose to open the file and parse it independently.




YAML specification: http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html

INI format (INIH): https://github.com/benhoyt/inih


kbsecret(1), kbsecret-session(1), kbsecret-generator(1)

  1. 1.8.1
  2. March 2019
  3. kbsecret-configuration(5)